Why Can I Still Hear With Noise Canceling Headphones? : 6 Reasons You Should Know

Middle-aged man listening to music on noise canceling headphones

Noise canceling headphones have changed the way we experience sound, giving a haven of silence amid the chaos of everyday life. Whether you’re a regular traveler seeking respite from the drone of airplane engines, a student needing to focus in a busy cafe, or simply someone who values a quieter environment, noise canceling technology promises to drown out the unwanted noise around you.

However, many users find themselves confused when they can still hear certain sounds even with their noise canceling headphones on. There are other people who have also wondered why their high-tech headphones don’t completely block out the outside world.

In this blog post, we’ll dive into the details of noise canceling technology, explore its limits, and provide useful tips to help you improve your hearing experience. Let’s uncover why you might still be hearing some sounds and how to improve the usefulness of your noise canceling headphones.

How to Understand Technology That Blocks Out Noise

Noise canceling technology is a marvel of modern audio engineering, allowing us to create calm listening spaces in otherwise loud settings. To fully grasp why you might still hear some things despite using noise canceling headphones, it’s important to understand how this technology works and its various types.

How to Block Out Noise

Noise canceling headphones utilize active noise cancellation (ANC), a complex process that includes several key components working together. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown:

  • Mics: Noise canceling headphones are equipped with built-in mics that recognize external sounds, catching ambient noise from the surroundings.
  • Sound Waves: Once the environmental sounds are identified, the headphones produce sound waves that are the exact opposite (or anti-phase) of the recorded noise.
  • Destructive Interference: These anti-phase sound waves combine with the entering noise waves, successfully canceling them out through a process called destructive interference. This results in a large decrease of unwanted noise.

Curious about how active noise canceling works? Dive into the fascinating science behind this powerful technology in our latest article. This process works especially well for steady, low-frequency noises like the hum of an airplane engine or the rumble of traffic. However, it has its limits, especially when it comes to higher-frequency and rapid, random sounds.

Types of Noise Canceling Technology

There are three main types of noise canceling technology, each with its unique method and amount of effectiveness:

Feedforward Noise Cancellation:

  • Uses an external microphone put on the outside of the ear cup.
  • Detects environmental noise before it hits the ear and produces the anti-phase signal.
  • Effective for a broad range of sounds but can be more vulnerable to wind noise.

Feedback Noise Cancellation:

  • Uses an internal microphone put inside the ear cup, near the speaker.
  • Monitors what the listener actually hears and changes the noise cancellation accordingly.
  • Better at responding to different types of noise but might struggle with sudden, loud sounds.

Hybrid Noise Cancellation:

  • Combines both feedforward and feedback speakers for a more complete method.
  • Provides better noise reduction across a wider range of frequencies.
  • Generally considered the most effective type, giving a mix between performance and flexibility.

Searching for the best noise canceling headphones? Check out our list of the top 7 types to find the perfect pair for you. By understanding these fundamental aspects of noise canceling technology, you can better grasp why your headphones might not be completely stopping every sound. While ANC is a powerful tool for creating better listening settings, its usefulness can vary based on the type of noise and the specific technology used in your headphones.

6 Reasons You Can Still Hear Sounds with Noise Canceling Headphones

Man wearing safety equipment hearing protection.

Noise canceling headphones are meant to create a more quiet listening experience by reducing unwanted outdoor noise. However, many users still notice that some sounds manage to slip through. Here are the main reasons why you can still hear things with noise canceling headphones, despite their improved technology.

1. Limitations of Technology

Noise canceling technology is particularly effective at reducing low-frequency, constant noises, such as the hum of an airplane engine or the steady drone of an air conditioner. However, it suffers with higher-frequency sounds and rapid, random noises. Sounds like people talking, clapping, or doors slamming fall into this group and can often bypass the noise canceling devices. Thinking about getting noise canceling headphones? Learn about some potential drawbacks to make an informed decision before you buy

2. Passive Noise Isolation

In addition to active noise cancellation (ANC), headphones rely on passive noise isolation, which includes physically stopping sound using the shape and materials of the ear cups. If the ear cups do not form a good seal around your ears, or if they are made from less effective noise canceling materials, more outdoor noise will leak through. Ensuring a good fit and high-quality ear cup materials is important for effective passive noise separation.

3. Sound Leakage

Sound leaking happens when external sounds enter the headphones due to a poor fit. If there is a gap between the ear cups and your ears, noise from the surroundings can seep in. This is particularly common with on-ear headphones or badly fitting over-ear headphones. To reduce sound loss, make sure your headphones fit snugly and fix them to create the best possible seal around your ears. Curious if active noise cancellation can block all noise? Discover the limitations and capabilities of this technology in our detailed exploration.

4. Volume of External Noise

While noise canceling headphones are powerful, they have their boundaries. Extremely loud settings, such as building sites or bands, can overwhelm the noise canceling features of your headphones. In such cases, the sheer amount of outdoor noise can penetrate even the best noise canceling technology. For areas with very high noise levels, mixing noise canceling headphones with extra ear protection can provide better results. Wondering how to test the effectiveness of active noise cancellation? Check out our guide on the best methods to evaluate this feature.

5. Type of Noise Canceling Technology

Different noise canceling headphones use different types of ANC technology, including feedforward, feedback, and mixed noise cancellation. Each type has its strengths and flaws, and the efficiency of noise cancellation can vary. For instance, hybrid noise cancellion, which includes both feedforward and feedback methods, usually gives the best performance across a range of frequencies, but even this advanced technology has limits in certain situations.

6. Power and Battery Life

Active noise canceling headphones require power to work. If the battery is low or drained, the noise canceling function will not work effectively, resulting in more outdoor noise being heard. Always ensure your headphones are fully charged for the best performance. Some headphones also have an auto-off mode to protect battery life, so be aware of the power state and settings. Wondering if using active noise cancellation drains your battery faster? Explore how this feature impacts battery life in our detailed analysis.

Improving Your Noise Canceling Experience

Cheerful carefree female jogger enjoying healthy lifestyle with noise canceling headphone

While noise canceling headphones offer significant relief from unwanted outdoor sounds, improving their performance can make a substantial difference in your overall experience. Here are some useful tips and ideas to help you get the most out of your noise canceling headphones.

1. Choosing the Right Headphones

Selecting the right pair of noise canceling headphones is important for getting the best possible noise reduction. Here’s what to consider:

  • Type of Noise Cancellation: Opt for headphones with hybrid noise cancellation technology, which blends feedforward and feedback methods for better performance across a wider range of frequencies.
  • Brand and Model: Research and invest in reliable names known for their effective noise canceling powers. Models like the Sony WH-1000XM4 and Bose QuietComfort 35 II are highly suggested. Delve into the ultimate showdown between Bose and Sony noise-canceling headphones. Our detailed comparison breaks down the key features, sound quality, and comfort of each brand, helping you make an informed decision. Discover which powerhouse reigns supreme in the world of noise cancellation.
  • Comfort and Fit: Ensure the headphones are easy to wear for long periods of time. Over-ear types usually provide better noise separation than on-ear or in-ear versions. Concerned about the long-term effects of using noise-canceling headphones? Dive into our comprehensive guide where we explore the safety implications of prolonged headphone use. Learn how to mitigate potential risks and enjoy your audio experience worry-free for years to come.

Choosing the right noise canceling headphones can be tricky, but we’ve got you covered. Discover the top 11 secret factors that will help you make an informed decision and find the perfect pair. From sound quality to battery life, our guide breaks down

2. Ensuring Proper Fit and Seal

A good fit is important for improving both active and passive noise reduction. Here’s how to achieve the best fit:

  • Flexible Headband: Use the flexible headband to ensure the ear cups fit your ears fully and easily.
  • Ear Cup Seal: Make sure the ear cups make a snug seal around your ears. Leather or memory foam ear covers are often more effective at blocking out noise.
  • Correct Size: If using in-ear noise canceling headphones, choose the right size of ear tips to fit snugly in your ear canal.

3. Maintaining Your Headphones

Regular upkeep of your noise canceling headphones ensures they continue to work best. Here are some care tips:

Taking care of your noise canceling headphones ensures they last longer and perform their best. Our comprehensive guide covers all the essential maintenance tips, from cleaning techniques to proper storage. Learn how to keep your headphones in top condition and enjoy their benefits for years to come

4. Using Headphones in Optimal Conditions

The setting in which you use your noise canceling headphones can affect their performance. Here’s how to reduce usage:

  • Quiet Spaces: Use your headphones in relatively quiet settings to lower the amount of noise they need to cancel out, allowing them to work more effectively.
  • Avoid Extreme Noise: In very loud settings, try mixing noise canceling headphones with extra ear protection for better results.

Unlock the full potential of your noise canceling headphones with our expert tips. Discover practical strategies to enhance their effectiveness, whether you’re in a bustling office or on a noisy commute. Elevate your audio experience and enjoy peace and quiet wherever you go.

5. Leveraging Additional Features

Many current noise canceling headphones come with extra features that can improve your hearing experience:

  • Ambient Sound Mode: This mode lets in some outdoor sounds, which can be useful for keeping aware of your surroundings while still having noise reduction.
  • Equalizer Settings: Adjust the equalizer settings through the headphone app to adjust the sound quality to your taste.
  • Voice agents: Utilize built-in voice agents like Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa for hands-free control and ease.

By carefully choosing the right headphones, ensuring a proper fit, keeping them well, using them in optimal conditions, and utilizing extra features, you can greatly improve your noise canceling experience. This method not only improves sound quality but also increases comfort and usability, allowing you to enjoy a more engaging and tranquil hearing experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Even though my noise canceling headphones are on, I can still hear a faint noise in the background.

The “anti-noise” that most noise canceling headphones make blocks out other sounds. A slight hissing or buzzing sound may come from this process, especially in quiet places. It’s a normal part of noise canceling technology, and it shouldn’t have a big effect on how you listen.

Can I wear noise canceling headphones in places with a lot of noise, like busy streets or building sites?

Even though noise canceling headphones may not fully block out very loud or sudden sounds, they can still help in busy places by cutting down on background noise. When this happens, using earplugs with noise canceling headphones can help block out noise even more.
Explore our curated list of the 13 best noise canceling headphones tailored to suit various environments. From busy offices to long flights, find the perfect pair to drown out distractions and immerse yourself in your music or work.

What kinds of noise do noise canceling headphones block out differently?

Yes, noise canceling headphones do a better job of blocking out steady, low-frequency sounds than they do of blocking out high-pitched or random sounds. They are great at canceling out engine hum or the drone of air conditioners, but they might not be as good at blocking out noises like people yelling or dogs barking.


Noise canceling headphones have changed the way we listen to music, work, and relax by giving a break from the constant barrage of environmental noise. However, knowing why you can still hear certain sounds, despite the advanced technology, is key to making the most of your headphones.

By understanding the limits of noise canceling technology, ensuring a proper fit and seal, choosing the right headphones, and keeping them well, you can greatly improve your hearing experience. Remember that while noise canceling headphones shine at lowering steady, low-frequency noises, they are less effective against sudden, high-frequency sounds.

Optimizing your usage conditions and leveraging additional features can further improve speed, ensuring you get the best possible experience. Whether you’re in a busy airport, a noisy office, or simply at home, these tips will help you achieve a quieter, more intense listening environment.

Thank you for reading! If you found this guide helpful, feel free to share it with others and leave your feedback or questions below. For more tips and reviews on music technology, be sure to subscribe to our blog.

2 thoughts on “Why Can I Still Hear With Noise Canceling Headphones? : 6 Reasons You Should Know”

  1. Pingback: Do noise canceling headphones protect hearing? : A Closer Look & Ensure Auditory Health - YDDHub

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