Which is Better Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) or Environmental Noise Cancellation (ENC)?

Senior carpenter in Noise Cancellation headphones working on saw machine

Noise seems to be a part of every part of our lives these days. In order to find peace and quiet, new technologies have been created to block out background noise. These technical wonders include Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) and Environmental Noise Cancellation (ENC), two different ways to quiet down the noise around us.

ANC uses mics to identify external sounds, making anti-noise signals to reduce atmospheric noise, commonly found in headphones, giving engaging audio experiences. Conversely, ENC improves voice clarity in calls or video chats by reducing background noise picked up by mics, ideal for loud settings, enabling better communication. Both technologies cater to distinct needs, changing listening experiences and communication clearly.

In this thorough study, we dig into the delicate details of ANC and ENC, unraveling their processes, measuring their effectiveness, and identifying which holds the upper hand in various situations. As we start this trip of discovery, we’d love for you to come along with us as we break down these cutting-edge technologies, learn more about how they can be used, and finally decide which works best for noise cancellation.

1. Learn about Active Noise Cancellation (ANC).

Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) stands as a symbol of modern engineering, giving a refuge of calm amidst the noise of daily life. A simple but clever idea at the heart of ANC is that it fights outside noise by sending anti-noise signals that cancel out annoying sounds, giving users a wonderful sound experience.

A. How ANC Works

The noise-canceling ability of ANC technology comes from the complex way that mics, algorithms, and speakers work together. Dive into the fascinating world of active noise-canceling technology with our comprehensive exploration of the powerful science behind it. Gain insights into the intricate mechanisms that create auditory tranquility, revolutionizing your listening experience with cutting-edge innovation. Here’s a breakdown of the key components and steps involved:

  • Mics: ANC-enabled devices, such as headphones or earbuds, are equipped with built-in mics carefully positioned to record surrounding sounds. These mics are like the device’s ears; they pick up noise that needs to be blocked.
  • Anti-noise Generation: Once the mics pick up sounds from outside, special algorithms quickly look at the incoming audio data to figure out the noise’s frequencies and volume. After that, the gadget sends out anti-noise messages that are perfectly matched to the noise patterns it has found.
  • Speaker Playback: The anti-noise signals are then fed into the device’s speakers in real-time, essentially forming a wave of sound waves that clash destructively with the incoming noise. This harmful interference results in the cancellation of the unpleasant sounds, leaving behind a peaceful audio scene for the user to engage themselves in.

B. Types of ANC Implementations

ANC technology appears in various ways, each with its own unique method of fighting noise. The main uses of ANC include:

  • Feedforward ANC: In this setup, speakers are positioned outside the ear cup or device, allowing them to record incoming noise before it hits the user’s ears. The anti-noise sounds are then created and played back through the device’s speakers to cancel out the identified noise.
  • Feedback ANC: Unlike feedforward ANC, feedback ANC puts the speakers inside the ear cup or earbud, recording sound after it has entered the user’s ears. This setting allows the device to change the anti-noise signals based on the user’s listening experience, offering more personalized noise cancellation.
  • Hybrid ANC: Combining aspects of both feedforward and feedback ANC, hybrid ANC systems offer a complete approach to noise cancellation. By leveraging the strengths of each setup, hybrid ANC aims to achieve ideal noise reduction across a wide range of frequencies and environments. Uncover the truth about hybrid active noise cancellation (ANC) versus traditional ANC in our insightful comparison of seven key factors.

C. Pros and Cons of ANC Technology

As with any technology, ANC comes with its own set of benefits and limitations:


  • Engaging Audio Experience: ANC allows users to enjoy music, podcasts, or movies without the distraction of external noise, resulting in a more engaging audio experience.
  • Noise Reduction in Various Environments: Whether in a busy coffee shop, on a noisy airplane, or during a journey, ANC successfully reduces environmental sounds, allowing users to focus and relax.
  • Enhanced Comfort: By reducing the need to raise the volume to drown out background noise, ANC helps prevent ear tiredness, making longer listening sessions more comfortable.

Explore the transformative power of active noise-canceling (ANC) technology as we unveil seven immense benefits that enhance your auditory experience. Delve into our comprehensive guide to discover how ANC can elevate your productivity, focus, and overall well-being in any environment


  • Cost: ANC-enabled gadgets often come with a higher price tag compared to their non-ANC peers, making them less available to budget-conscious customers.
  • Battery Consumption: The busy processing needed for ANC can drain the device’s battery more quickly, needing frequent recharge or changing of batteries.
  • Impact on Audio Quality: In some cases, ANC may add glitches or flaws to the audio stream, especially at lower frequencies, which can reduce the overall sound quality.

Unveil the flip side of noise-canceling headphone technology as we uncover the drawbacks you need to know. Delve into our analysis to gain insights into potential limitations and considerations that accompany these immersive audio devices, empowering you to make informed decisions for your listening experience.

D. Real-World Applications and Use Cases

ANC technology has found broad application in different areas, including:

  • Travel: ANC headphones are a favorite partner for regular travelers, giving relief from the roar of flight engines and the talk of fellow passengers.
  • Work: In noisy office environments, ANC-equipped earbuds allow workers to focus on tasks without being interrupted by unwanted noise.
  • Fitness: ANC-enabled sports headphones provide players with the drive to push through workouts without distractions from the surrounding environment.

Embark on a journey through the top 13 noise-canceling headphones meticulously selected to suit every environment. Join us as we explore the ultimate auditory companions tailored to deliver unparalleled sound quality and tranquility wherever you go.

Side view portrait of young technician setting up network in server room and wearing protective workwear

2. Unveiling Environmental Noise Cancellation (ENC)

While Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) has gained broad praise for its ability to drown out external noises, a lesser-known yet equally intriguing technology hides in its shadows: Environmental Noise Cancellation (ENC). Unlike ANC, which focuses on blocking out environmental noise for the listener’s benefit, ENC works with a unique purpose—to improve voice clarity during phone calls and video chats by reducing background noise picked up by the microphone. In this part, we peel back the layers of ENC, revealing its inner workings, distinguishing features, and real-world uses.

A. Definition and Functionality of ENC

outdoor Noise Cancellation, as the name suggests, is meant to handle the challenges brought by outdoor noise in conversation situations. When involved in phone calls or video chats, the microphone of a device—be it a smartphone, headset, or webcam—picks up not only the speaker’s voice but also nearby sounds such as traffic, talk, or machines. ENC steps in to ease this problem by employing advanced signal processing techniques to identify and reduce background noise, thereby improving the clarity of the speaker’s voice for the intended receiver.

B. How does ENC Differs from ANC?

While both ANC and ENC share the overall goal of noise reduction, they differ in their method and applications. Whereas ANC targets outdoor noise heard by the user, ENC works at the source—the microphone—filtering out unwanted sounds before they reach the recipient’s ears. This difference is important in conversation settings, where clear and understandable speech takes precedence over engaging audio experiences. Additionally, while ANC primarily relies on feedforward or feedback configurations, ENC usually uses a feedforward method, with cameras carefully positioned to record the speaker’s voice and surrounding noise.

C. Techniques Used in ENC Technology

The effectiveness of Environmental Noise Cancellation depends on a range of complex signal processing methods customized to handle the details of speech and background noise. Some popular methods applied in ENC technology include:

  • Adaptive Filtering: ENC algorithms actively adapt to changes in the sound environment, continuously recalibrating to favor the speaker’s voice while reducing background noise.
  • Spectrum Subtraction: By studying the spectrum features of speech and noise data, ENC algorithms remove the expected noise component from the microphone input, improving the signal-to-noise ratio.
  • Beamforming: In settings with multiple mics, beamforming methods move the microphone array’s sensitivity towards the speaker’s voice while reducing pickup from surrounding noise sources.

D. Advantages and Limitations of ENC

Environmental Noise Cancellation offers a number of benefits in conversation settings, including:

  • Clearer Voice Transmission: By reducing background noise, ENC ensures that the speaker’s voice stays clear and free from interference, even in busy environments.
  • Improved Call Quality: ENC improves the general call quality by reducing distractions and improving the signal-to-noise ratio, leading to more productive and engaging talks.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Whether in professional meetings, virtual classes, or casual chats, ENC technology improves the communication experience, encouraging better, more important interactions.

However, like any tool, ENC is not without its limitations:

  • Performance Variability: ENC efficiency may change based on factors such as microphone placement, outdoor conditions, and the complexity of background noise.
  • Processing Overhead: The processing needs of ENC methods may place extra pressure on device resources, possibly hurting battery life and performance.
  • Dependency on Microphone Quality: The effectiveness of ENC is based upon the quality and sensitivity of the device’s microphone, with lower-quality mics possibly affecting noise cancellation performance.

E. Real-World Applications and Use Cases

ENC technology finds application in a wide array of cases, including:

  • Business Communication: ENC-enabled headsets and conference room systems allow smooth communication in noisy office environments, ensuring that parties can focus on the talk without distractions.
  • Remote Learning: In virtual classes and online educational platforms, ENC-equipped devices improve teacher-student relationships by reducing background noise and enabling better communication.
  • Telemedicine: ENC technology plays a key role in video meetings, allowing healthcare workers to perform virtual tests and patient exams with clarity and accuracy.

3. Comparing ANC and ENC

A passenger is holding noise-cancelling headphones of a business class cabin.

As we explore the world of noise cancellation technologies, two notable rivals emerge: Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) and Environmental Noise Cancellation (ENC). While both technologies try to minimize the effect of environmental noise, they do so through unique methods and with different goals. In this part, we start with a comparison study of ANC and ENC, diving into their different strengths, flaws, and fit for various use cases.

A. Head-to-Head Comparison

1. Effectiveness in Noise Cancellation:

  • ANC: ANC excels at blocking out external noise heard by the listener, giving an intense audio experience across a broad range of frequencies. It is particularly good at reducing constant, low-frequency sounds such as engine rumble or air conditioning hum. Unlock the secrets to maximizing the effectiveness of your noise-canceling headphones with our expert tips and tricks.
  • ENC: In contrast, ENC works on improving sound clarity during conversation by separating and reducing background noise picked up by the microphone. While it may not offer the same level of noise reduction as ANC in all situations, ENC’s focused method ensures that the speaker’s voice stays clear even in loud environments.

2. Performance in Different Environments:

  • ANC: ANC shines in environments where the main goal is to create a peaceful listening environment, such as during air travel, traveling, or rest. It successfully blocks out steady-state background noise, allowing users to engage themselves in their chosen audio material.
  • ENC: ENC is best made for communication settings where the focus is on clear and understandable speech delivery, such as phone calls, video chats, or virtual meetings. By reducing background noise at the source—the microphone—ENC ensures that the speaker’s voice stays recognizable amidst the chaos of surrounding sounds.

3. Impact on Audio Quality:

  • ANC: While ANC usually improves the hearing experience by lowering environmental noise, it may add glitches or flaws to the audio stream, particularly at lower frequencies. In some cases, ANC can also affect perceived sound clarity, leading to a loss of accuracy or spatial awareness. Explore the nuances of this cutting-edge technology to uncover how it may enhance or alter your sound quality experience, providing valuable insights for audio enthusiasts and casual listeners alike.
  • ENC: Unlike ANC, which mainly affects the listener’s experience, ENC works at the microphone level, improving the clarity and understanding of the broadcast voice without changing the audio material itself. As a result, ENC has a limited effect on music quality and may even improve it by lowering background noise interference.

4. Battery Life Implications:

5. Cost Considerations:

  • ANC: ANC-enabled products often command a higher price compared to their non-ANC peers, indicating the extra hardware and software components needed to apply ANC technology successfully. While the cost may be reasonable for users wanting unmatched noise insulation and audio experience, it may discourage budget-conscious customers. Unlock the secrets behind the price tags of ANC headphones with our insightful exploration.
  • ENC: ENC technology is rapidly becoming a common feature in communication devices such as smartphones, headsets, and cameras, with minimal or no extra cost to the end-user. As ENC continues to gain ground in the market, its ease and cost make it an attractive choice for users who value clear and effective communication.

B. User Preferences and Use-Case Scenarios:

The difference between ANC and ENC eventually goes down to individual tastes and specific use-case scenarios:

  • ANC: Ideal for users seeking intense audio experiences and noise isolation in leisure or travel settings, ANC excels in creating quiet listening environments free from external distractions.
  • ENC: Tailored for communication-centric applications, ENC shines in settings where clear and understandable speech transfer is essential, such as phone calls, video chats, or virtual meetings.

4. Real-World Applications and User Experiences

In the changing world of noise cancellation technologies, the real measure of their effectiveness comes in their practical uses and the experiences of those who use them. From busy city streets to the quiet surroundings of a home office, Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) and Environmental Noise Cancellation (ENC) technologies have permeated various parts of our daily lives, improving our hearing experiences and changing the way we interact. In this part, we dig into real-world uses and user experiences, putting light on the practical benefits and changing effects of ANC and ENC technologies across diverse situations.

A. Testimonials and Reviews

User comments and product reviews offer important insights into the real-world performance and effectiveness of ANC and ENC technologies. Whether shared through online communities, social media platforms, or specialized review websites, these personal accounts provide open views on the strengths, flaws, and general user happiness with ANC and ENC-enabled products.

  • ANC Testimonials: Users praise ANC-enabled headphones and earbuds for their ability to create intense listening environments, allowing them to enjoy music, podcasts, or movies without the interference of external noise. Many mention ANC as a game-changer during air travel, transportation, or online work, allowing them to escape the noise and bustle of the outside world and find times of calm amidst the chaos.
  • ENC Testimonials: Users praise ENC-equipped communication devices for their role in allowing clear and effective conversation in noisy environments. Whether making business calls, participating in virtual meetings, or engaging in online learning, users enjoy the improved voice clarity and reduced background noise interference provided by ENC technology, allowing them to interact with confidence and clarity.

B. Case Studies

Case studies provide clear examples of how ANC and ENC technologies are applied in real-world situations, showing their practical benefits and effects on user experiences across different areas.

  • Business Communication: A global company uses ANC-enabled meeting room tools to improve communication and teamwork among faraway teams. By leveraging ANC technology, the company reduces background noise during virtual meetings, ensuring that participants can focus on the agenda without distractions and creating a more productive and engaging work atmosphere.
  • Education: A university adds ENC-equipped screens and headsets into its online learning tools to improve teacher-student interactions in virtual classes. ENC technology allows teachers to give lessons with crystal-clear audio, ensuring that students can follow along with ease and join fully in talks, regardless of their physical location or surrounding noise levels. Discover the 17 best noise-canceling headphones carefully curated to enhance your studying experience. Dive into our guide to find the perfect blend of comfort, focus, and audio quality, empowering you to create the ideal environment for academic success.

C. Expert Opinions and Industry Insights

Experts in the fields of audio engineering, communication technology, and human-computer interaction offer useful views on the growth and future trends of ANC and ENC technologies.

  • Audio Engineers: Audio engineers provide detailed insights into the design and application of ANC algorithms, shedding light on the challenges and ideas driving improvements in noise cancellation technology. They stress the value of adaptable filtering, spectral analysis, and psychoacoustic principles in achieving ideal noise reduction and audio quality. Unleash your musical potential with our selection of the 16 best noise-canceling headphones tailored specifically for musicians. Dive into our guide to find the perfect blend of pristine sound quality, comfort, and isolation, allowing you to immerse yourself fully in your craft.
  • Contact Technologists: Communication technologists study the role of ENC technology in improving voice contact and speaking clarity in various environments. They discuss the possible uses of ENC in healthcare, remote work, and virtual events, stressing its changing effect on human contact and cooperation.
Watching a movie on the personal Inflight Entertainment with noise cancelling headphones

As we stand at the intersection of technical progress and human creativity, the journey of noise cancellation technologies—Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) and Environmental Noise Cancellation (ENC)—unfolds with tantalizing promise. With each passing day, innovators and researchers push the limits of what is possible, pushing forward a wave of evolution and innovation that promises to change the way we experience and interact with sound. In this part, we cast our gaze towards the distance, studying the future trends and innovations set to shape the world of noise cancellation in the years to come.

A. Emerging Advancements in ANC and ENC

  • AI-Powered Noise Cancellation: The combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms holds vast promise for improving the performance and flexibility of ANC and ENC technologies. By leveraging AI-driven signal processing techniques, future devices may flexibly change noise cancellation settings in real time, improving performance based on user tastes, external conditions, and audio material.
  • Customized Noise Cancellation Profiles: Manufacturers are studying the idea of customized noise cancellation profiles, allowing users to tailor ANC and ENC settings to their individual hearing profiles and tastes. By studying user-specific hearing traits and tastes, future devices may offer personalized noise cancellation experiences suited to the unique needs and sensitivities of each user.
  • Multi-Modal Noise Cancellation: Beyond standard audio-based noise cancellation, researchers are studying multi-modal methods that combine additional sense cues, such as visual or tactile feedback. By mixing auditory, visual, and physical cues, future devices may offer more engaging and complete noise cancellation experiences, improving user comfort and interest across diverse environments.

B. Integration of ANC and ENC in Future Devices

  • Hybrid ANC and ENC Systems: The merging of ANC and ENC technologies paves the way for hybrid systems that offer the best of both worlds. By combining ANC for engaging audio experiences and ENC for clear speech, future devices may provide users with unmatched flexibility and adaptability across a wide range of applications and use cases.
  • Embedded ANC and ENC in Smart Devices: As ANC and ENC technologies become increasingly widespread, makers are putting these features directly into smartphones, tablets, and other smart devices. This combination not only improves user interactions but also expands the reach of noise cancellation technologies to a wider audience, democratizing access to improved hearing experiences and communication capabilities.

C. Market Predictions and Growth Opportunities

  • Rapid Adoption in Customer Electronics: The demand for ANC and ENC-enabled devices is set to rise in the coming years, driven by rising customer knowledge of the benefits of noise cancellation and the spread of smart devices. As ANC and ENC become regular features in smartphones, headphones, smartwatches, and home products, the market for these technologies is likely to experience exponential growth.
  • Expansion into New Verticals and Industries: Beyond consumer goods, ANC and ENC technologies are finding uses in a wide array of verticals and industries, including transportation, healthcare, and public safety. From ANC-equipped cars that provide a haven of peace on the road to ENC-enabled medical devices that allow online patient tracking, the potential uses of noise cancellation technologies are nearly endless.

Frequently Asked Questions

ANC or ENC? Which is better?

ANC or ENC may work better for you depending on your wants and tastes. ANC is great for listening to music in a more engaging way or blocking out loud background noise, like airplane engine noise. On the other hand, ENC is great at improving call quality by cutting down on background noise while people are talking on the phone.

Can I use both ANC and ENC at the same time?

Yes, some systems can do both ANC and ENC at the same time. This mix of technologies gives users the best of both worlds: an engaging audio experience while listening to music, and better call quality by cutting down on background noise.

Do ANC and ENC work equally well in all environments?

Background noise that doesn’t change, like the hum of an airplane cabin or the talk in a busy coffee shop, is best for both ANC and ENC. However, quick, sharp noises may still be heard despite these technologies.

Are there any options for ANC and ENC?

While ANC and ENC are popular options for noise cancellation, passive noise isolation, achieved through well-fitting ear tips or ear cups that physically block out outdoor sounds, is another effective way. Additionally, noise reduction techniques in software-based audio processing can provide some amount of noise cancellation in certain uses.

Can all kinds of headphones and earphones use ANC and ENC?

ANC and ENC are widely found in luxury and mid-range headphones and speakers, although their availability may change based on the brand and model. Entry-level devices may not offer these features, while high-end models often include advanced noise cancellation technology.


In conclusion, the comparison between Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) and Environmental Noise Cancellation (ENC) shows a complex world of technological progress, with each method having unique benefits and downsides. ANC excels in creating calm listening environments and improving the audio experience, albeit at a higher cost and with a possible impact on battery life. On the other hand, ENC values clear speech and better call quality, but may show performance inconsistency and rely on microphone quality.

Ultimately, the choice between ANC and ENC hinges on individual tastes, use-case scenarios, and the desired balance between noise reduction and audio quality. By knowing the pros and cons of ANC and ENC, users can make educated choices that match with their individual needs and goals, unlocking the changing potential of noise cancellation technology in various parts of their lives. As ANC and ENC technologies continue to grow and merge, the future offers even greater breakthroughs, changing the way we experience sound and interact with the world around us.

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