What Brand of Headphones Are Best for Noise-Cancelling: The Ultimate Guide with 9 Brands

Male blogger filming video on camera while opening parcel box with new wireless noise-cancelling headphones

It can be hard to find a moment of peace in a world that is getting louder all the time. The steady barrage of sounds can be annoying, whether you’re riding the train, working in an office, or just trying to relax at home. This is where noise-cancelling headphones come to the rescue, providing a haven of silence amidst the chaos.

But with so many options on the market, finding the right pair can be overwhelming. Do you want the best sound quality, the most comfortable headphones, or the newest smart features? You might also just want to get the most for your money. Whatever your needs, this book is here to help.

We will talk about noise-cancelling headphones in this blog post. We will talk about the science behind them, the most important things to look for, and the best brands on the market right now. By the end, you’ll have a good idea of which headphones are best for you based on your tastes and way of life. So, let’s start on this journey to find the right pair of noise-cancelling headphones that will change your listening experience.

1. Things to Look for in Noise-Canceling Headphones

Modern wireless noise-cancelling headphones on table.

There’s more to picking the right noise-cancelling headphones than just going with the most well-known brand. How well headphones meet your needs and improve your listening experience depends on a number of important factors. Here, we look into the key aspects you should consider before buying noise-cancelling headphones.

1.1. Noise Cancellation Effectiveness

The main reason to invest in noise-cancelling headphones is, of course, their ability to lessen annoying environmental sounds. This efficiency can change significantly between types. Want to get the most out of your noise-cancelling headphones? Our guide offers 10 expert tips and tricks to enhance their effectiveness and maximize performance. Learn how to optimize your headphones for different environments and enjoy a superior listening experience.

Active Noise Cancellation (ANC):

  • Active Noise Cancellation works by using built-in speakers to pick up environmental sounds and making sound waves that are the exact opposite of the annoying sounds, thereby canceling them out.
  • Consideration: Look for headphones with changeable ANC settings, allowing you to control the amount of noise cancellation based on your surroundings.

Passive Noise Cancellation:

  • This is achieved by the actual form of the headphones, such as over-ear cups that seal around the ears to block out sound.
  • Consideration: The materials and fit of the headphones play a key role in effective passive noise reduction.

1.2. Sound Quality

Great noise reduction should not come at the price of music quality. Ideally, headphones should offer clear, smooth audio that brings your music to life. Ever wondered if active noise-cancelling affects your headphones’ sound quality? Our in-depth analysis explores how this technology influences audio performance, including potential changes in clarity and bass.

Audio Fidelity:

  • Look for headphones with a wide frequency range and high-resolution audio features.
  • Consideration: High-definition codecs like aptX HD or LDAC are helpful for providing great music over Bluetooth. Wondering if active noise cancellation impacts the bass in your music? Our detailed analysis examines whether ANC affects low-end frequencies and overall audio quality.

Sound Profile:

  • Some headphones offer adjustable sound presets or equalization settings, allowing you to tailor the music to your tastes.
  • Consideration: Check for apps or tools that provide these customization options.

1.3. Comfort and Fit

Comfort is important, especially if you plan to wear your headphones for a long time. Concerned about the long-term safety of using noise-cancelling headphones? Our comprehensive guide delves into the potential effects of prolonged use and offers tips on how to use them safely.


  • Over-ear headphones usually provide the best comfort and sound separation, but in-ear and on-ear versions are more convenient.
  • Consideration: Choose a design that fits your living and relaxation needs.


  • Look for high-quality materials such as memory foam ear pads and lightweight, sturdy caps.
  • Consideration: Ensure the materials are airy to avoid pain during long listening sessions.

1.4. Battery Life

Battery life can be a deal-breaker, especially for regular visitors or those who use headphones throughout the workday. Ever wondered why noise-cancelling headphones require batteries? Our detailed explanation breaks down how these headphones use power to actively reduce external noise.

Playtime with ANC:

  • ANC can drain the battery faster, so it’s important to compare the battery life with and without ANC active.
  • Consideration: Look for models giving at least 20 hours of battery life with ANC on. Curious about how active noise cancellation affects battery life? Our detailed analysis explores whether this feature significantly drains your headphones’ battery.

Charging Options:

  • Fast charging features can be a lifesaver, giving hours of fun from just a short charge.
  • Consideration: USB-C charging is better for faster and more efficient power transfer.

1.5. Additional Features

Modern noise-cancelling headphones come packed with various smart features that can improve usefulness and ease.

Smart Controls:

  • Touch functions, voice aid support (e.g., Siri, Google aid), and on-ear recognition are useful tools.
  • Consideration: Ensure the tools are simple and quick.


  • Look for Bluetooth versions 5.0 or higher for a more stable link and better range.
  • Consideration: Multi-device connection can be very useful if you frequently switch between devices.

1.6. Price Range

The cost of noise-cancelling headphones can vary greatly, and it’s important to find a mix between features and price.

Budget-Friendly Options:

Premium Models:

  • High-end headphones often provide better noise cancelation, sound quality, and build.
  • Consideration: Premium models are a good purchase if you seek the best possible speed and features.

2. Top Brands for Noise-Cancelling Headphones

Cheerful young Asian woman looking her new wireless headphones. She unboxing the delivered packages from online purchases at home. Online shopping, enjoyable customer shopping experience

In the competitive market of noise-cancelling headphones, several brands have established themselves as stars through constant innovation and quality. Here, we take an in-depth look at the top brands known for their exceptional noise-cancelling headphones, examining their main models, strengths, and flaws.

1. Sony Noise-Cancelling

Sony is often viewed as the gold standard in the world of noise-cancelling headphones. Their versions regularly earn high praise for their mix of speed, features, and price.

Flagship Models:

Key Strengths:

  • Noise Cancellation: Industry-leading ANC performance, particularly successful in lowering low-frequency noises.
  • Sound Quality: High-resolution music, changeable via the Sony Headphones Connect app.
  • Battery Life: Up to 30 hours of battery life with ANC on, with quick charge features.


  • Price: Premium types can be expensive.
  • Design: Some users find the design heavy compared to competitors.

2. Bose Noise-Cancelling

Bose has a long-standing reputation for making some of the best noise-cancelling headphones, with a focus on ease and clear sound quality.

Flagship Models:

  • Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700: Advanced noise-cancelling technology with a sleek design.
  • Bose QuietComfort 45: An improvement from the popular QC35 II, giving better noise cancellation and battery life.

Key Strengths:

  • Noise Cancellation: Superior ANC, highly successful in different settings.
  • Comfort: Lightweight and comfortable build for long-term uses.
  • Sound Quality: A balanced audio profile is ideal for different types of music.


  • Battery Life: Slightly shorter than rivals, around 20 hours with ANC.
  • Features: There are fewer smart features compared to some other brands.

3. Apple Noise-Cancelling

Apple has made a major effect in the noise-cancelling market with its luxury headphones, built to work smoothly with the Apple environment.

Flagship Models:

  • Apple AirPods Max: High-end over-ear headphones with great build quality and sound.

Key Strengths:

  • Integration: Excellent connection with Apple devices, giving benefits like smooth device swapping and spatial music.
  • Build Quality: Premium materials and a luxurious design.
  • Sound Quality: Rich, clear music with adjustable EQ.


Price: Very expensive compared to rivals.
Weight: Heavier than other types, which may affect ease for some users.

4. Sennheiser Noise-Cancelling

Sennheiser is known for its audiophile-grade sound quality and sturdy build, making its noise-cancelling headphones a top choice for sound fans.

Flagship Models:

  • Sennheiser Momentum 3 Wireless: Combines excellent sound quality with effective ANC and a stylish style.

Key Strengths:

  • Sound Quality: Exceptional audio clarity, often chosen by audiophiles.
  • Design: Stylish, quality materials with a comfy fit.
  • Customization: Customizable sound settings through the Sennheiser Smart Control app.


  • Battery Life: Around 17 hours with ANC, which is lower than some rivals.
  • Price: On the higher end of the market.

5. Bang & Olufsen Noise-Cancelling

Bang & Olufsen, known for its luxury audio goods, blends high-end style with better sound quality. Their noise-cancelling headphones are no exception, giving a premium experience for sophisticated users.

Flagship Model:

  • Beoplay H95: These headphones stand out for their excellent build quality, using expensive materials like lambskin leather and polished metal. The H95 gives top-tier ANC and sound clarity, with a customized sound setting through the Bang & Olufsen app.

Key Strengths:

  • Design: Luxurious and visually beautiful, with a focus on comfort and longevity.
  • Sound Quality: Rich, realistic music with adjustable EQ settings.
  • Battery Life: Up to 38 hours with ANC, making it one of the longest-lasting in the market.


  • Price: Extremely expensive, aiming a small market.
  • Weight: Slightly heavy, which might affect ease during long use.

6. JBL Noise-Cancelling

JBL is well-known for making high-quality audio goods at more reasonable price points. Their noise-cancelling headphones offer good performance without breaking the bank.

Flagship Model:

  • JBL Live 660NC: A flexible and cheap choice that offers strong ANC performance and powerful sound quality.

Key Strengths:

  • Value for Money: Affordable price without losing too much on efficiency.
  • Sound Quality: JBL’s signature sound, which is strong and well-balanced.
  • Battery Life: Up to 40 hours with ANC off, and fast charge features.


  • ANC Performance: Good but not as effective as higher-end models from Sony or Bose.
  • Build Quality: Less quality materials compared to more expensive rivals.

7. Jabra Noise-Cancelling

Jabra is known for making sturdy, feature-rich headphones that cater to both expert and casual users. Their noise-cancelling headphones are particularly notable for their excellent call quality and smart features.

Flagship Model:

  • Jabra Elite 85h: These headphones offer a strong mix of sturdiness, long battery life, and effective ANC, making them great for both office use and travel.

Key Strengths:

  • Durability: Water-resistant design (with nano-coating) for improved life.
  • Battery Life: Up to 36 hours with ANC, making them highly stable for long trips.
  • Smart Features: AI-based sound changes and great call clarity with multiple mics.


  • Sound Quality: While good, the audio quality may not match high-end models from Sony or Sennheiser.
  • Design: The look is practical but less stylish compared to expensive names.

8. AKG Noise-Cancelling

AKG, a company of Harman, offers high-quality headphones that are particularly liked by audiophiles and pros for their sound clarity and comfy designs.

Flagship Model:

  • AKG N700NC M2: Known for its great sound quality and effective noise control.

Key Strengths:

  • Sound Quality: Detailed and controlled audio, ideal for careful listens.
  • Comfort: Ergonomic design with soft ear pads for long-term wear.
  • ANC Performance: Effective noise reduction, especially in mid-to-high levels.


  • Battery Life: Around 23 hours, which is shorter than some rivals.
  • Features: Fewer smart features compared to names like Sony or Jabra.

9. Anker (Soundcore) Noise-Cancelling

Anker’s Soundcore brand has gained a name for providing high-quality audio goods at very cheap prices. Their noise-cancelling headphones offer great value for budget-conscious customers.

Flagship Model:

  • Soundcore Life Q30: Affordable headphones with surprisingly good ANC and sound quality for their price range.

Key Strengths:

  • Price: Extremely budget-friendly, offering great value.
  • Battery Life: Up to 40 hours with ANC, which is amazing for the price.
  • Sound Quality: Good general sound with changeable EQ through the Soundcore app.


  • Build Quality: More plastic components, which might affect longevity.
  • ANC Performance: Adequate but not as powerful as expensive names.

3. In-Depth Comparison of Top Models

 woman listening music with smartphone and wireless Noise-Cancelling headphones

Selecting the best noise-cancelling headphones can be difficult, given the numerous high-quality choices available. To help narrow down your choices, we provide an in-depth review of some of the top models on the market. Here, we will compare the Sony WH-1000XM5 vs. Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 and the Apple AirPods Max vs. Sennheiser Momentum 3 Wireless. This comparison covers various aspects, including noise cancellation efficiency, music quality, ease, battery life, extra features, and price.

1. Sony WH-1000XM5 vs. Bose Noise-Cancelling Headphones 700

A. Noise Cancellation Effectiveness:

Sony WH-1000XM5:Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700:
Offers better ANC performance, especially successful in lowering low-frequency noises like engine hum.Known for great ANC, especially powerful across a wider range of frequencies.
Features adaptable sound control, which changes noise cancellation based on your behavior and position.Provides 11 layers of noise cancellation, allowing for better customization of the hearing surroundings.
Trying to decide between Bose and Sony noise-cancelling headphones? Our in-depth comparison highlights the strengths and weaknesses of each brand, covering sound quality, comfort, and noise cancellation effectiveness.

B. Sound Quality:

Sony WH-1000XM5:Bose Noise-Cancelling Headphones 700:
High-resolution audio with a smooth sound quality, strong bass, and clear mids and highs.Balanced and natural sound profile, with clear voices and well-defined bass.
Customizable EQ settings through the Sony Headphones Connect app.Less adjustable compared to Sony but still offers amazing sound quality.

C. Comfort:

Sony WH-1000XM5:Bose Noise-Cancelling Headphones 700:
Lightweight design with soft ear pads and a comfy fit for extended wear.Sleek and modern design with soft, padded ear cups and a lightweight build.
Slightly bigger ear cups that might feel heavy for some users.Very comfy for long listening sessions, with a more streamlined fit.

D. Battery Life:

Sony WH-1000XM5:Bose Noise-Cancelling Headphones 700:
Up to 30 hours of battery life with ANC on, with quick charge (10 minutes for 5 hours of playing).Up to 20 hours of battery life with ANC on, with quick charge (15 minutes for 3.5 hours of playing).

E. Additional Features:

Sony WH-1000XM5:Bose Noise-Cancelling Headphones 700:
Touch settings, adjustable sound control, voice aid interface (Google aid, Alexa).
Intuitive touch controls, voice aid interface (Google aid, Alexa), and great call quality.
Multi-device connection, DSEE Extreme upscaling for better sound quality.Augmented reality (AR) music features through the Bose AR app.

F. Price:

Sony WH-1000XM5:Bose Noise-Cancelling Headphones 700:
Premium price, showing its improved features and efficiency.Similarly expensive prices, often similar to the Sony WH-1000XM5.


Both the Sony WH-1000XM5 and Bose Noise-Cancelling Headphones 700 offer excellent noise control and sound quality. The Sony model moves ahead in battery life and customizing choices, while the Bose model offers better comfort and call quality. Your choice will rely on which benefits you value most.

B. Apple AirPods Max vs. Sennheiser Momentum 3 Wireless

Noise Cancellation Effectiveness:

Apple AirPods Max:Sennheiser Momentum 3 Wireless:
Excellent ANC performance, particularly skilled at handling both low and high-frequency sounds.Effective ANC that works well in most settings but is slightly less strong than the AirPods Max.
Features a Transparency mode for situational awareness.It also includes a Transparent Hearing mode for environmental awareness.

Sound Quality:

Apple AirPods Max:Sennheiser Momentum 3 Wireless:
Rich and precise sound with a wide soundstage, adjustable EQ, and spatial audio support.Audiophile-grade sound clarity with strong bass, clear mids, and crisp highs.
Best results when paired with Apple products due to their connection with the Apple environment.Customizable sound settings are available through the Sennheiser Smart Control app.


Apple AirPods Max:Sennheiser Momentum 3 Wireless:
Premium design with an airy knit mesh cover and memory foam ear pads.Stylish design with real leather ear pads and a sturdy build.
Heavier than most rivals, which might affect ease of long-term use.Comfortable for long wear, though not as soft as the AirPods Max.

Battery Life:

Apple AirPods Max:Sennheiser Momentum 3 Wireless:
Up to 20 hours of battery life with ANC and surround audio enabled.Up to 17 hours of battery life with ANC.
Charges via Lightning connection, with a quick charge option (5 minutes for 1.5 hours of playing).Charges via USB-C, with a fast charging option (10 minutes for 1.5 hours of playing).

Additional Features:

Apple AirPods Max:Sennheiser Momentum 3 Wireless:
Seamless connection with the Apple environment, including automatic device swapping and spatial audio.Smart Pause feature that pauses playing when headphones are removed.
Digital Crown for accurate volume control and playing features.Tile connectivity for tracking lost headphones and a separate voice helper button.


Apple AirPods Max:Sennheiser Momentum 3 Wireless:
Positioned in the high-end market with a premium price tag.Also premium-priced, but usually slightly more affordable than the AirPods Max.


The Apple AirPods Max and Sennheiser Momentum 3 Wireless both offer high-quality music and effective noise cancellation. The AirPods Max wins with its connection within the Apple environment and spatial audio capabilities, while the Sennheiser model offers a slightly more cheap choice with superb sound quality and a more classic style. Your choice should factor in your gadget environment, comfort tastes, and finances.

3. Bang & Olufsen Beoplay H95 vs. JBL Live 660NC

Noise Cancellation Effectiveness:

Bang & Olufsen Beoplay H95:JBL Live 660NC:
High-end adaptable ANC that instantly changes to your surroundings for best performance.Solid ANC performance, particularly good at blocking out low-frequency noises like engine rumble.
Effective at lowering both low and high-frequency noise, providing a quiet hearing experience.ANC performance is good but not as advanced as the Beoplay H95.

Sound Quality:

Bang & Olufsen Beoplay H95:JBL Live 660NC:
Exceptional sound quality with a focus on sharpness and detail, giving a balanced and engaging audio experience.JBL’s unique sound profile with strong bass and clear mids and highs.
Customizable sound settings through the Bang & Olufsen app.Customizable EQ levels are available are available via the JBL Headphones app.


Bang & Olufsen Beoplay H95:JBL Live 660NC:
Luxurious materials such as lambskin leather and memory foam for maximum comfort.Comfortable design with padded ear cups and caps.
Lightweight and flexible design for longer use without pain.Lighter and more compact, but may not give the same amount of luxury as the Beoplay H95.

Battery Life:

Bang & Olufsen Beoplay H95:JBL Live 660NC:
Impressive battery life of up to 38 hours with ANC on and 50 hours without ANC.Up to 40 hours with ANC off and around 30 hours with ANC on.
Fast charging features (15 minutes for several hours of playing).Quick Charge feature (10 minutes for 4 hours of playing).

Additional Features:

Bang & Olufsen Beoplay H95:JBL Live 660NC:
Touch controls, adjustable music settings, and a luxury travel case.Touch functions, multi-device connection, and voice aid interaction.
Integration with speech helpers and Bluetooth 5.1 for stable connection.Features like Ambient Aware and TalkThru for better environmental awareness.


Bang & Olufsen Beoplay H95:JBL Live 660NC:
Positioned as a luxury product with a very high price tag.More cheap, giving good value for money given its features.


The Bang & Olufsen Beoplay H95 and JBL Live 660NC cater to different market groups. The Beoplay H95 offers luxury, excellent sound quality, and top-tier ANC at a high price, while the JBL Live 660NC provides decent performance and value for a more budget-friendly price. Choose based on your income and taste for luxury versus value.

4. Jabra Elite 85h vs. Anker Soundcore Life Q30

Noise Cancellation Effectiveness:

Jabra Elite 85h:Anker Soundcore Life Q30:
Smart ANC that reacts to your surroundings, giving effective noise cancellation in different situations.Effective ANC with three modes (Transport, Indoor, and Outdoor) for different settings.
Good results in both low- and high-frequency noise reduction.Decent general ANC performance is particularly good for its price range.

Sound Quality:

Jabra Elite 85h:Anker Soundcore Life Q30:
Balanced sound profile with clear mids and highs and deep bass.Customizable EQ is available through the Jabra Sound+ app.
Solid sound quality with good bass response and clear mids and highs.Customizable EQ changes via the Soundcore app.


Jabra Elite 85h:Anker Soundcore Life Q30:
Comfortable design with soft, cushioned ear cups and caps.Lightweight and soft with memory foam ear cups.
Designed for long-term use with water-resistant materials for sturdiness.Ergonomic shape suitable for long listening sessions.

Battery Life:

Jabra Elite 85h:Anker Soundcore Life Q30:
Impressive battery life of up to 36 hours with ANC on and 41 hours without ANC.Outstanding battery life of up to 40 hours with ANC on and 60 hours without ANC.
Fast charging (15 minutes for 5 hours of playing).Quick Charge feature (5 minutes for 4 hours of playing).

Additional Features:

Jabra Elite 85h:Anker Soundcore Life Q30:
Smart Sound technology instantly changes settings based on your surroundings.Multiple ANC modes, adjustable sound settings, and a low-latency mode for games.
Voice assistant integration, multiple mics for clear talks, and water resistance.Bluetooth 5.0 for stable connection and multi-device setup.


Jabra Elite 85h:Anker Soundcore Life Q30:
Mid-to-high range price, showing its feature set and longevity.Highly cheap, giving great value for its features and speed.


The Jabra Elite 85h and Anker Soundcore Life Q30 are both great picks, but they target different market groups. The Jabra Elite 85h offers better build quality, smart features, and excellent longevity, making it worth its higher price. The Anker Soundcore Life Q30, on the other hand, offers excellent value with strong performance and features at a much lower price point. Your choice will depend on whether you prefer advanced features and longevity (Jabra) or value for money (Anker).


Choosing the best noise-cancelling headphones involves balancing various factors such as noise cancellation efficiency, music quality, comfort, battery life, extra features, and price. The market is filled with excellent models from top names like Sony, Bose, Apple, and Sennheiser, each having unique strengths. Meanwhile, other notable names such as Bang & Olufsen, JBL, Jabra, and Anker (Soundcore) provide excellent options that cater to different wants and budgets.

If you value top-tier noise cancellation and customization, the Sony WH-1000XM5 and Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 are great picks. For those fully integrated into the Apple environment, the Apple AirPods Max offers unparalleled reliability and sound experience. Audiophiles may find the Sennheiser Momentum 3 Wireless to be a great match for their high sound quality standards.

On the other hand, if luxury and style are your main worries, the Bang & Olufsen Beoplay H95 offers on all fronts. The JBL Live 660NC, Jabra Elite 85h, and Anker Soundcore Life Q30 provide more budget-friendly choices without losing on important features and performance.

Ultimately, the best noise-cancelling headphones for you will rely on your individual tastes and how you plan to use them. Whether you need them for travel, work, or pleasure, there is a model out there designed to meet your needs. By considering the in-depth comparisons given in this blog, you can easily choose the pair of headphones that will offer you the best mix of performance, comfort, and value.

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